Wednesday, 12. March 2025

a cooperative department of Fraunhofer IZFP,
Saarbrücken and Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen

Tu.4.B - Components Inspection

Tu.4.B.1 Non-Destructive Bond Quality Assessment of CFRP Structures – Status and Way Forward
C. Bockenheimer, Airbus Operations SAS, Toulouse, France
Tu.4.B.2 Real-Time Nondestructive Testing of Composite Aerospace Structures With a Self-Adaptive Technique
S. Mahaut, O. Casula, S. Robert, CEA LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
G. Neau, O. Roy, M2M, Les Ulis, France
Tu.4.B.3 Contact-Free Detection of Structural Defects by Analysing Structure-Borne Sound in a Wide Spectrum
H.-J. Ott, H. Schröder, SeLasCo, Bellheim, Germany
Tu.4.B.4 Computed Tomography of Large Components in Aerospace Industry
M. Luxa, Fraunhofer IIS, Fürth, Germany
J. Bouteyre, EADS Astrium, Saint Médard-en-Jalles, France
S. Schröpfer, Fraunhofer EZRT, Fürth, Germany
M. Eberhorn, S. Oeckl, T. Schön, T. Wenzel, Fraunhofer IIS, Fürth, Germany