Wednesday, 12. March 2025

Th.2.A - POD II

Th.2.A.1 Simulation Supported POD Methodology and Validation for Multi-Zone Ultrasonic Testing Procedure
R. Raillon-Picot, V. Dorval, C. Gilles-Pascaud, CEA, LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
F. Schubert, Fraunhofer IZFP, Dresden, Germany
J.-Y. Chatellier, Snecma, Moissy Cramayel, France
Th.2.A.2 Simulation Supported POD Methodology for Radiographic Testing
C. Bellon, A. Deresch, U. Ewert, C. Gollwitzer, G.-R. Jaenisch, BAM, Berlin, Germany
H.-U. Baron, MTU Aero Engines, München, Germany
Th.2.A.3 Progress in POD Estimation: Methods and Tools
S. Mahaut, N. Dominguez, CEA, LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
V. Feuillard, EADS IW, Suresnes Cedex Paris, France
T. Yalamas, PHIMECA Engineering, Paris, France
Th.2.A.4 PolKa – A Polarization Camera for NDT of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics and More…
J. Ernst, Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany

a cooperative department of Fraunhofer IZFP,
Saarbrücken and Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen