Wednesday, 12. March 2025

a cooperative department of Fraunhofer IZFP,
Saarbrücken and Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen

Tu.4.A. - Radiography II

Tu.4.A.1 Neutron Tomography as an Alternative Option for Non-Destructive Testing
C. Grünzweig, E. Lehmann, D. Mannes, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
Tu.4.A.2 High Energy X-Ray Imaging for Application in Aerospace Industry
M. Salamon, G. Errmann, N. Reims, N. Uhlmann, Fraunhofer EZRT, Fürth, Germany
Tu.4.A.3 Defect Site Detection in CFRP Composite Materials Using Interferometric X-Ray Phasecontrast Imaging
F. Bayer, G. Anton, J. Durst, W. Haas, T. Michel, G. Pelzer, J. Rieger, A. Ritter, T. Weber, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Tu.4.A.4 Automated Practical System Qualification, Validation, and Reporting acc. ASTM E2737-10
P. Kramm, M. Kurfiß, YXLON International, Hamburg, Germany